Top 5 Lessons I Learned in my First 25 Years

25th Birthday Blog

Oh my word I cannot believe I am 25!!! It feels like yesterday that I just turned 24 and mentally I’m still 21. This last quarter of a century has been an absolute trip. From living abroad to experiencing a global pandemic to starting by own business, I still cannot keep up with everything that has gone down. Now, this age is bittersweet because in some ways I am nowhere where I want to be at this age but I am trying to remind myself that everything works on Gods timing and I totally flipped my life upside down at 24. With that in mind, keep reading for my top 5 lessons these last 25 years.

One: Live For Yourself

The absolute toughest lesson I learned in honestly the last year or so was to live for myself not for others. For SO long I did what I thought I was supposed to do. I went to a good college (go Zags!), got a corporate job in my field and moved out on my own. But oh my gosh was I unhappy when I actually got what I thought I wanted. See, the corporate job was a Director role at Chick-fil-A and I ended up doing wayyy more cooking than I signed on to do. I also had a lot of interpersonal issues with coworkers; whatever you may be picturing it was even worse.

Now, not only was I dissatisfied with work, I also struggled with friendships and relationships. I ended a 5 year friendship right after turning 24 which was a huge adjustment. The girl and I worked together and lived together which was a recipe for disaster. I was so miserable and was just not being authentic to myself. It took me several months to get the courage to quit my job and move out but I am so glad I did. I now work for myself and am so much happier with the people in my life!

Two: Friendships are Crucial

Life lesson two, be sure you take time for friends. My best friend Kathryn really showed me what friendship means this past year. Her and I have been through a lot in our 3.5 years of friendship from moves to illnesses to so much more. Instead of letting this break us, we have grown even closer than before and I am essentially the Maid of Honor in her wedding next year! I also have learned to make friends through blogging and social media as well as reconnecting with friends from high school. At 24 I moved home with my parents and while it’s been tough not having my independence, it’s been nice to have a solid community around me.

Another facet of friendship I learned over the years was befriending a wide array of people. I am so lucky to have friends of all identities from members of the disabled community to LGBT members to friends that have similar backgrounds to me. Talking to people with various life experiences has provided me so much empathy and I have a deeper understanding of life for so many marginalized people. While it can be challenging and you may find yourself having tough chats, I promise you have more in common with people than you think. I would much rather surround myself by interesting people than spend time with those that are super similar to me!

Three: Embrace Changes

For the longest time in my life, I experienced typical changes. I moved through the usual school system and went to college like I was supposed to but COVID hit the last 6 weeks of my college experience and threw me for a loop. I lost my probably summer internship and found myself working a retail job not long after graduation. I’ll admit it was pretty difficult leaving my college support system early and finding myself in a job market that was floundering. With these challenges came resiliency though and I learned to pivot through all kinds of changes. Now, I am getting ready to uproot and change my life once more and I could not be happier.

For anyone younger than me, remember the only constant in life is inconsistency and change. Whether that is within ourselves, in relationships or what we end up doing, there is nothing wrong with change. It helps mold us into a happier version of ourselves and if I didn’t change these last few years that would be concerning. I also want to point out that I changed jobs 3 times in a year and those changes made my career infinitely better. I now work for myself and get paid for my creativity. There is nothing better!

Four: Take Time to Travel

Is travel a privilege? Sure! But is it essential for personal growth and development? Absolutely. If you get the opportunity to get out of your hometown and experience new opportunities elsewhere even for a limited time, take it. See, I lived abroad in Italy when I was 21 for half of my Junior year. While this is something not everyone can do, it transformed me in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I learned to be self reliant and independent, something I believe every young girl should be. I also met so many interesting people and tried things I never thought I would.

Alongside my international travel have been my travels through the United States. So far I’ve gone to 10 states and my ultimate goal is to hit all 50. By traveling my own country, I’ve gained a better understanding of my own nation and how Americans really think. I also have tried some incredible food during that time and as a creative I just feel alive in new places.

Five: Do Not Fear Vulnerability

My fifth and final lesson is to embrace vulnerability. For the longest time I was shut off to emotions. I experienced a really dark depression at 19 and it turned me off from feeling for years after. I did not let my friends and family in and I didn’t do much difficult work in therapy. It was only in the last several months that I have started to break down my personal walls and my goodness has it changed the game. When you are vulnerable not only do you open yourself up to help from others but you can make connections that you didn’t think were originally possible.

Now, vulnerability can be difficult so do not expose yourself to just anyone. I really need to earn someones trust before I open up to them but by talking through my issues, I have finally provided a sense of community within myself and my friend group. It’s also helped me process my emotions and truly experience joy and sorrow.

Here’s to 25!

To everyone who has been with me on this birthday journey and has followed my content for some time, thank you SO much! I am so appreciative of you and can’t believe you are here to help me grow my business and live out my dreams. With this all in mind, I cannot wait to bring you along my 25th year around the sun. I have a good feeling about all of this.

Until next time,
