What Going Viral is REALLY Like

You Just Went Viral… Now What

You guys… I achieved every content creators dream. I went viral!! After three and a half years in influencer and content marketing my page has finally blown up and oh my word has it been a wild ride. What started off as a somewhat popular video for me has blown up to over 4 million views and counting. Not only was this a major win for my business but I also had a call to action for my target audience and received over 20,000 followers in a weeks time. As I try to wrap my head around this incredible achievement, I want to share the pros and cons of going viral and what it is actually like!

The Perks of Going Viral

Lauren is sitting with a gift in her lap wearing a white printed blouse and black jeans with a bow on her head

Now, going viral has had some pretty obvious perks! First and foremost has been the love and support from my brands early adaptors as well as friends and family. We are all celebrating these huge milestones as they continue to happen! Another perk has just been my brands overall engagement. People are liking my posts like crazy now and my reels and photos are performing incredibly. I genuinely never thought I would see numbers like this for my own page!

Alongside great numbers on my main content, I am also seeing a huge spike in story views! I am definitely cutting back on the chaotic content and keeping things more professional going forward. It’s also been great in brand negotiations because now I can show proof that I have an incredibly engaged audience and I’m maintaining the high level of views.

Pro Tip: If you are a content creator, keep an eye out for the analytics. I know numbers aren’t the most fun but they are the easiest way to connect with a brand and show tangible proof that your business strategy is working!

The Cons of Virality

Lauren is sitting on a leather couch wearing a white tank and a printed satin skirt

Now for the not so nice parts of going viral. The first and most obvious downside has been the mass number of trolls. I absolutely hate when people fight me, my brand and especially my audience. Now, I know that midsize fashion is definitely niche and there are plenty of people who hate midsize creators. I’ve received hate that we are fatphobic, we add to peoples body dysmorphia and we are akin to straight pride. All three are just false. I find the midsize community to be its own thing that at times dismantles and works through internalized fatphobia but it is not inherently fatphobic. We are just a place outside of plus and ultra thin. Then, there is the issue of BD; I think if someone is triggering you online you should just block that person but it isn’t the persons fault. As to the straight pride, I do not believe midsize women are celebrating their bodies in a particular way and saying they are liberated or better than someone because they look a particular way. Instead midsize is a space for women who do not see themselves online and want people to follow that look like them.

Now, the above is a lot I know. But there is so much inherent value to community building and representation but people do not have to be mean about it. Another issue I’ve noticed are people just attacking my body and appearance saying I’m not actually midsize in one way or another. Some of my bigger insecurities have been brought to the forefront but I am quickly learning to ignore it.

Finally another downside is the frequency of notifications. As a creator deeply focused on community, I try my best to get back to every comment and build relationships with my audience. It’s been rather challenging these days getting back to everyone because my notifications have been flooded! I also notice I cannot be quite as present with others because so many elements to influencing are taking my attention.

The Truth Behind Viral Videos

If you are a creator with tough skin, I hope you go viral one day if you haven’t already! It has been incredible for my business and took me from an “influencer” to a full fledged influencer over on Instagram. I cannot believe I have a huge supportive audience by my side watching my content daily and engaging with me. Thank you everyone new and old on my page, I am so grateful to have you on this grand adventure and I look forward to what is to come!

Until next time,
